Wisdom teeth are the last set of permanent teeth to erupt at the back of the mouth, usually around the age of 17-25. These latecomers often grow when other teeth have erupted, meaning there isn’t enough space in the jaw to support healthy eruption. While wisdom teeth can grow perfectly, many times, they are misaligned or grow at an angle, affecting nearby teeth and other structures.
Stoneycreek Village Dental offers wisdom teeth extraction services for troubled or impacted third molars. Extractions relieve pain and prevent wisdom teeth from causing further health complications.
Wisdom teeth do not always need to be removed. If wisdom teeth are properly aligned and fully erupted (without causing crowding or misalignment of other teeth), they may not need to be removed.
However, your dentist may still recommend wisdom teeth removal even if they don’t cause problems. For instance, if you have a history of gum disease or decay, your dentist will recommend removal to avoid potential problems in the future. Your dentist will advise you on the best course of treatment after a comprehensive dental exam.
Not everyone develops wisdom teeth. For others, these latecomers erupt normally like other teeth and cause no problems. However, many people aren’t lucky enough to develop trouble-free wisdom teeth. Because of insufficient space, wisdom teeth may become impacted, either partially or wholly.
An impacted wisdom tooth may:
We’ll recommend removing your wisdom tooth if it’s accompanied by the following problems.
We always confirm the presence of a wisdom tooth with dental X-rays. Digital imaging allows us to see the location of your tooth and establish the best way to remove it.
It depends. If your wisdom tooth has broken through the bone and is accessible, we’ll remove it with a simple extraction. After numbing your gums with local anesthetics, the dentist pulls the tooth from its socket by rocking it in a back-and-forth motion.
Impacted wisdom teeth require surgical extraction. After anesthetizing your gums and possibly administering sedation dentistry, we’ll make a small incision on the gums and bone to access the trapped tooth. Typically, we break the tooth into several pieces for easier removal. After removing all the pieces, we’ll clean and stitch your gums to begin recovery.
Whether you have a simple or surgical extraction, we’ll give you post-op instructions for a smooth recovery. We aim to ensure you have a comfortable experience during and after the procedure.
If you suspect a troublesome wisdom tooth in Fort McMurray, AB, call (780) 666-7327 to schedule an appointment with Drs. Yohannes Melkie, Alan Chan, and Cristina Rodrigo for safe and comfortable dental extractions.
Dr. Alan Chan opened Stoneycreek Village Dental three years ago to offer patients a comprehensive range of dental services while using current technology and techniques. The practice focuses on patients’ dental and overall health. Giving all patients a healthy smile and a positive dental experience is their goal.
Dr. Yohannes Melkie obtained his Biomedical Science Degree from the University of Ottawa and his Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree from the University of Western Ontario. He then moved to Fort Mac, where he has been practicing since. Continuous education is very important to him; he attends conferences and training sessions to stay current and provide his patients with the best quality treatment.
Dr. Melkie enjoys collaborating with patients to ensure their oral health is in good hands.
Dr. Cristina Rodrigo graduated with her Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Science from Toronto Metropolitan University and completed her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. She was the founder and President of the University’s Women in Dentistry.
Dr. Rodrigo practiced in Northern Ontario before moving to Fort McMurray. She is passionate about providing comprehensive dental care to patients in a gentle and empathetic manner.